Emma Roberts blames ‘internet culture’ for Madame Web’s failure

Emma Roberts “personally loved” Madame Web.
Emma Roberts has blamed “internet culture” for the failure of her movie Madame Web.
The superhero film, in which Roberts played Spider-Man’s mother Mary Parker, flopped at the box office and was heavily panned when it was released in February.
Addressing the failure on the Just for Variety podcast, the Wild Child actress blamed Internet users for mercilessly mocking the film before it was even released.
“If it wasn’t for internet culture and everything being made into a joke, I think that the reception would’ve been different. And that’s what bums me out about a lot of stuff, even stuff that I’ve done, is people just make such a joke out of everything now,” she lamented.
Roberts added that she “personally really loved” the film and enjoyed making it with her co-stars Dakota Johnson and Adam Scott.
“I thought everyone in it was great. The director, S.J. Clarkson, I think did an amazing job. She’s the reason I wanted to do that movie,” she praised.
Elsewhere in the interview, the 33-year-old continued to hit out against “hate culture” and people getting a kick out of slating something.
“You get these comments that can be rude. So I try not to look at it, because it’s just people want to hate,” she stated. “But it just does bum me out. We’ve just cultivated now this hate culture towards celebrities and towards movies and television online. Where it used to be like five people reviewed a movie, and now it’s like you have people that won’t even say what their real name is saying how much they hate something.”
Emma is currently promoting her new comedy Space Cadet, which is now streaming on Prime Video.
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