Christopher Nolan avoids responding to whether he’s seen The Batman

Oppenheimer is set to hit digital platforms on 22 November.
Christopher Nolan has masterfully deflected a question he clearly wasn’t interested in lending weight to.
In a recent interview with Variety, The Dark Knight director was asked if he had seen Matt Reeves’ take on the Caped Crusader, 2022’s The Batman.
“If I start talking about comic book movies, that would be the only thing anybody pays any attention to in the article,” Nolan told the publication, expertly dodging the loaded query.
Nolan helmed The Dark Knight trilogy, dubbed by many critics as one of the greatest film trilogies of all time.
The series of films, starring Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman, consisted of 2005’s Batman Begins, 2008’s The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises in 2012.
More recently, Nolan, 53, directed the historical blockbuster Oppenheimer, which is edging closer to a billion U.S. dollars at the global box office by the day.
“It’s clear from the box office that audiences are looking for things they haven’t seen before,” the filmmaker told Variety. “We’ve been through a period where it was wonderfully reassuring for studio executives to feel that their franchise properties could go on forever and be predictably successful. But you can’t deny filmgoers’ desire for novelty.”
Oppenheimer is set to hit digital platforms on 22 November.
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